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Study and House Groups in the Parish

We currently have three Study and House Groups operating in the Parish:


Bible Study Group - A Bible study group is held on the first Wednesday of every month at the home of Gary & Maggie Courtnadge.  Peter Higgins leads the group and we read and discuss various books of the Bible or follow Lent, Advent or other Courses.  We openly discuss our Christian faith and try to support each other in our beliefs.  Further details can be found on our weekly “Contact” pew sheet.


Christian Meditation - We meet as a group to practice Christian Meditation, a contemplative form of prayer that follows the example of John Main OSB. We start by listening to a short thought-provoking talk associated with meditation. We then sit still in silence for twenty minutes, to humbly encounter the Lord God. Afterwards we reflect on our thoughts, which we may share amongst the group.

We meet at 1.00pm on the second Friday of each month.

For more information contact Caterina Brown 01243 554001


House Group - A group of younger women who meet fortnightly to share their thoughts on “leading the Christian life in today’s world”.  We meet fortnightly on a Wednesday evening and the group is open to any who would like to come.  For further details contact Revd Sheila.

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