Prayer Ministry
“Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts.”
St Teresa of Calcutta
Prayer is the foundation of all that we do as the Church of God together as a body and as individual members of that body. Prayer is the working out of our relationship with God.
Within the parish there are a great many ways that you can join in with the unceasing cycle of prayer that goes on every day in our churches and in people’s homes…
Prayer Chain
We have a chain of prayer that can be used for particular intentions. The prayer is passed down the chain so that around 60 members of our churches will be praying together. If you would like to have something prayed for, please contact the Parish Office.
Tuesday Prayer Group
A Weekly Prayer Meeting is held every Tuesday evening, from 5.30pm until 6.30pm the location changes depending on who is hosting the group. Please contact the Parish Office for more information.
Prayer Calendars
Each month we produce a calendar for prayer, bringing together the Diocesan prayer calendar, the worldwide Anglican Communion prayer calendar and prayers for local places, people and issues. You can pick up a copy from Church or the Parish Office. HERE
Daily Prayer
The Church of England Daily Prayer site is an excellent way of building prayer into your daily routine. There are also apps for you phone & tablet to make it even easier. You can find out more HERE
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