Around four times a year we offer services of healing and wholeness in the parish for any who feel they would like this ministry.
Why do we offer
these services?
Gifts of healing are among the gifts of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12. From the early centuries Christians laid hands on the sick and prayed for them, and this continues through the church today, offering the assurance of God’s presence.
Who is it for?
Anyone who feels in need of God's healing touch. Whether our need be physical, spiritual or emotional or feelings of loss or separation, God draws close to us and brings wholeness. You can also come and ask for healing and wholeness for another. Perhaps someone who is close to you who needs God's healing touch.
What happens at the Service?
The service is a simple one of prayer, song and silence. The service concludes with an open invitation in which you can come forward and receive a ministry of prayer or laying on of hands or by receiving absolution through the sacrament of reconciliation. There is no pressure to respond at all. It will be up to you.
What will healing be like?
It may be a deepening of awareness of God’s love, or a widening awareness that a prejudice or negative attitude is softening. It may even be a physical or emotional healing. It may be something we can pinpoint or it may be a more general awareness of the support and nurture of God’s prayerful presence.
For more information...
Rev Sheila on 01243 553901 or email her at shiggins@parishofabe.onmicrosoft.com
There is also a flyer for the next service and a leaflet all about healing ministry for you to view or download.
We hope very much that you will want to come and experience the journey of friendship, healing and wholeness that we are engaged with together.
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