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Church in the market place (parish office) Barnham

The Church in the Market Place is the name of our Parish Office.  This a modern building in a parade of shops, the Parish Office was a former bank.  The primary function is as an office as well is as a venue for meetings.


The office has a toilet and small kitchen. â€‹


Parking is located in the road or the railway station car park.


The Parish Office is open week day mornings and is manned by volunteers.


There is a drop in Rectors Office hour on Saturday morning 9am until 10am. This is currently run by Fr Tony Brant.

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Weekday Worship


8.30am    Tuesday

                Said Holy Communion


5.30pm   Tuesday

                Prayer Group    


Total seated capacity is 10 (max)


The Church in the Market Place hosts our annual Good Friday ecumenical service at 12 noon.


Clergy who take services at the Church in the Market Place are:

Fr Tony Brant

Rev Sheila Higgins




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